

def Lean.mkAuxDiscr {m : TypeType} [inst : Monad m] [inst : Lean.MonadQuotation m] :

Create an auxiliary identifier for storing non-atomic discriminants. This kind of free variable is cleared before elaborating a match alternative rhs.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
def Lean.mkAuxFunDiscr {m : TypeType} [inst : Monad m] [inst : Lean.MonadQuotation m] :

Create an auxiliary identifier for expanding notation such as fun (a, b) => .... This kind of free variable is cleared before elaborating a match alternative rhs.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

Return true iff n is an auxiliary variable created by expandNonAtomicDiscrs?


Return true iff n is an auxiliary variable created by notation such as fun (a, b) => .... They are cleared before eliminating the match alternatives RHS
