

Lean 4 port of Megaparsec

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TODO: should show a time axes that allows the users to view, filter and click copy the lakefile config.



This is a port of the Haskell package megaparsec to Lean 4.


The big idea of Megaparsec goes like this:

MonadParsec is a typeclass. If a type is MonadParsec, it means that there are:

  1. Basic parsers defined on it.
  2. Basic parser combinators defined on it.
  3. Ways to retrieve and update parser state.
  4. Track errors with ParseError.
  5. Thread the values through a particular monad.

ParsecT is a structure designed to be a MonadParsec and a trasformer that adds its capabilities to the underlying monad.


Reference implementation as a submodule

The original megaparsec repository is included as a reference in reference/megaparsec. To download it, include --recursive when cloning this repository.

If you have this repository cloned already, but need to fetch the reference implementation, please run git submodule update --init --recursive

Haskell language server in VSCode

I tried both nix and GHCup, both seem to be currently broken, so I disabled HLS VSCode extension for the time being.